5 Trends Tattoo Designs in 2012

Tattoo designs are always changing according to current events and trends in fashion.
Hence, it is vital that you choose custom tattoo designs that match current trends.
Even though designs keep changing with the time, there are still some that always stay at the top of the fashion must haves.
There are at least five tattoo designs that will remain in the top tattoo trends in 2012.
These are designs related to accessorial motifs, temporary applications, partial body designs, designs related to flora and fauna or the environment,
as well as what we call "tattoo statements." <<read more>>

Interesting Tattoo Facts

Written By admin on Friday, November 11, 2011 | 9:22 PM

Whether people like it or not tattoos are here to stay and more and more people are heading out to their local tattoo parlor every day to get a tattoo. For a society that does not think too kindly of tattoos they sure do pop in the least likely places. Our everyday lives revolve around tattoos in someway shape or form without one even realizing it. Tattoos are not an evil thing. They are just a form of self expression. With that being said there are a ton of interesting and fun facts about tattoos that people are not aware of.
*The word tattoo is one of the most misspelled words in the English language. It is mistakenly spelled tatoo, or tatto.
*Tattoos and tattoo related keywords are the most searched words on the internet beating out the adult industry.
*Tattooing has been used as a way of smuggling secret messages across enemy lines in times of war.
*It has been claimed that urine was once used to mix the colouring matter of some tattoo ink.
*The tattoo business has boobing during these tough economic the Untied States are dealing with.
*Women are more likely to get a tattoo removed.
*20% of women have a tattoo on their lower back. Also called the "tramp stamp" by some. This percentage is pretty larger considering that only 5% of women have a tattoo located some where else on their body.
*Tahitians believed that the process of tattooing the body served to contain its sacred power.
*Removing a tattoo can cost up to three times more than the design itself.

Interesting Tattoo Facts


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